Friday, April 22, 2016

It is time to sleep; it is time to sleep, time to relax, English Poem, Dr. Gohil

It is time to sleep; it is time to sleep, time to relax,

It is time to sleep; it is time to sleep, time to relax,

Darkness is falling, falling all over, Dizziness prevails,

Stars are out, twinkling persists,  Clouds  playing games,

Nights bring lots of fun, for all, for all…. It is time to sleep (2);

Sun goes to rest, take brightness with,  take energy  with,  

Birds are going to their home, to feed kids, to care the kids,

Our  kitty cat is sleepy, our all little  fish feel  dizzy,

Our  dog  sleeps  too, but sensitive to noise , he  guards us, ….  It is time to sleep (2);


 Moon comes and goes, changes  the shapes, and changes beauty ,

Like the women, moon changes  the dresses;  we  stare  at beauty,

Sometimes firefly come out, no one misses their night show!

Night is not mere darkness, bring hope for good brightness,;….   It is time to sleep (2);


 Dilan loves to sleep, Sarina loves to sleep, and all love to relax,

Who does not like to fly in dream? Everything free in heaven!

Cost free  ice-creams, cost free cake, cost free chocolate,  Alles  gut !!!..

Who does not like to dance with Fairy ? Everyone gets  crazy;….. It is time to sleep (2);


Thanks to our moms, thanks to our  Dads,

Before sleep, they feed us, they wash us; they  tell stories,

We get good night kisses, what a joy, what a joy at night,

They say “good night”, “sleep well”, “dream well”,…. It is time to sleep (2);


 We love our grand ma; we love our grand Pa,

They are caretaker, they watch us and they teach us,

“Sleep and get up early;  soon  Sun will be up, time to watch  colorful  Sun rise”,

World is beautiful,   we  love and care for all the creatures;…  It is time to sleep (2);


Writer: Dr. Ramesh M. Gohil,  4 20 2016

Fairy= પરી ; Firefly =આગીયો, Glow-worms,; Alles gut= Everything good;