Saturday, May 14, 2016

Live and feel in the world of motions; move to live, English Poem

Live and feel in the world of  motions; move to live

We are tiny babies, Sarina and Dilan, born to grow

Born to move, born to play; born to enjoy motions,

Without  motions no life; motions are good for health  

Whole planet is moving; motion is the  play of creator

 Live and feel in the world of  motions; move to live


Visiting playground in evening, enjoy playing games

Love a lot swinging; slipping, sliding to the ground

Joy in whirling, twirling;  going round in Carousel 

Building sand castles, crumbling, crashing, smashing,

Live and feel in the world of  motions, move to live


We are Giggling, Wriggling, and Peek-a-boo with all

Twisting, dancing, moving, they are for the enjoyment

Life is for the enjoyment, it is transient drama to play

Let us learn to play wisely, right from the childhood

Live and feel in the world of  motions, move to live


We love to play in water, Dolphins dance in water

Swimming up and swimming down, makes us strong

Great joy in splashing, splishing, floating and  sinking

Fun to swim in running water, against waves in ocean

Live and feel in the world of  motions, move to live


Love to play big and small balls, a fun with friends

Balls jump, ball bounce; air- pressure controls motion   

Kick the ball hard, run fast, fetch the ball and throw

With ball, we jump, our puppy and kitty jump too,

Live and feel in the world of motions, move to live


Fish can swim in water; Birds can fly high in the sky

Bugs can crawl slowly, Puppy can run with four feet

Camels can run on sand, dogs rapidly pull cart on snow

Walking, pulling, swimming and skipping are motions

Live and feel in the world of  motions, move to live


Dilan, touch my heart with hand, it moves non-stop

Check pulses, blood flows from the heart through veins,

Tongue moves to speak and sing; motion makes sound

Energy creates motions; motions create heat and light

Live and feel in the world of  motions, move to live
Creator  made many bodies; complex miracle machines
Body is  ball of energy; energy is motion, force and time
Motions  control activities, makes us to think and work
Make us enjoy our life, no motion, no energy, just death
Live and feel in the world of  motions, move to live

Writer: Dr. Ramesh M. Gohil

Meaning of  Some Words:

Move (noun)=  the act of deciding to do something; 

Move (verb)= To change in position from one point to another:

Skipping= jump over a rope that is held at both ends by oneself or two other people and turned repeatedly over the head and under the feet, as a game or for exercise.

slipping,to slide suddenly and without intension.

sliding =move  along smooth surface  while maintaining continuous contact

 whirling, =to turn around rapidly, spin
twirling,=round and round spin quitly and lightly around ,

splashing,=to scatter liquid or to cause liquidto scatter through the air

Giggling= to laugh with repeated short catches of the breath, Laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner:

Wriggling= to proceed with twisting and turning movements <It was an awful tangled mess, but … there was room for him to wiggle through , to move up and down or from side to side with short quick motions

Peek-a-boo = a game played with a young child, which involves hiding behind something and suddenly reappearing, saying “peekaboo.”

 Carousel  =  A circular conveyor on which objects are displayed or rotated:  a large machine at a fair that turnsround and has wooden or plastic animals or vehicles;

smashing,= extremely good, ​attractive, ​enjoyable, or ​pleasant:

 crumbling,= break or fall apart into small fragments,

 crashing = To undergo sudden damage or destruction on impact; a ​loud noise that ​sounds as if it is caused by something ​violently breaking apart or ​hitting something ​else:

Transient drama= lasting only for a short time; impermanent.

1.        What is relationship  between energy and motion?

Let motion (velocity) = v, force = F, energy = E, time = t, acceleration = a. 
according to Newton's laws, we know: 
F = ma.

 or, m = F/a 
= F/ (v / t) 
= Ft / v 

again we know according to the rule of kinetic energy: 
E = mv² / 2 

we can use the value of "m" here. then it will be: 

E = Ftv / 2