Saturday, September 13, 2014

Letter to Sarina: 11, O honey bees, you are the dedicated insects of this world

Letter to Sarina: 11, O  honey  bees, you are the dedicated insects of this world

O’ shy of human, for you I implant every spring flower plants
Mankind and birds are thankful  for making our life pleasant

O' honey  bees, you are the dedicated insects of this world
You have a honey stomach, five eyes and a pollen basket

You have two sets of flat and very thin transparent wings
Your buzz  is resulting from incredibly fast wings strokes

Spiracle at thorax and abdomen are the tiny holes to breath
Body has stinger, antennae, feathery hairs to collect pollen

A Tube-like tongue, mandible and six legs make your body
Forward legs to clean, middle to walk, hind to load pollen

You have very ancient   highly organized family structure
As insects you have created first female oriented kingdom

Queen, workers and drones are your three family classes
Mankind created non-functional several casts and classes

Queen, ruler of the family is the most reproductive female
Workers are non-reproductive females with combs on legs

Tasks of workers are defending, feeding and nursing babies
Till recently our females had no chance to become Soldiers

Drones are short lived safe males, they do not have stinger             
In a honey comb thousands of bees spending peaceful life 

Please teach us your art of living together without fighting 
You are one of the most intelligent insects worth knowing

Amazed to see the hidden places where you build the hives
O’ smarty you know tricks to repair your hive using Propolis

O’ clever, you know the tricks to keep home warm in winter
In spring your buzz goes from flower to flower to get nectar

Our Horticulture depends greatly on your help in pollination
Humans and birds will never forget your help in agriculture

You know how to convert nectar into healthy sweet honey
You store honey nectar in your honey comb and we steal it

Your honey that we love to eat with bread for our breakfast
Our doctors have found many uses of honey for medicines

Highly beneficial for blood, antibacterial, Arthritis and cough  
Bees wax used in drugs, cosmetics, candles, furniture polish

O’ shy of human, for you I  implant every spring flower plants
Mankind and birds are thankful for making our life pleasant

Author: Ramesh M. Gohil

Vocabulary: Honey comb or hives=bees home, A normal hive consists of up to 60,000 or more bees.; Stinger = an insect that stings, such as a bees; sting=injury caused by the venom of bees ; mandible= the bone of the lower jaw, function is typically to grasp, crush, or cut the insect’s food, or to defend against predators.  Propolis  =   Propolis is the sticky resinous substance that the bees collect from the buds of trees and use to seal up cracks in the hive. Horticulture= a branch of agriculture. 


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